
Hello, I'm Fonti. I'm a web developer based in Malang, Indonesia. I'm currently working at Clearview as a Frontend Developer. I experienced in building web applications using Vue.js, Nuxt.js, React.js, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS over the past 6+ years. For the backend, I'm familiar with Node.js, PHP (Laravel), MySQL, and PostgreSQL.


Full-stack Developer, May 2018 - present

Clearview is a remote-first, distributed software company with team members spread across the globe. I'm working on various projects and clients to help them build their web applications. I'm responsible for developing and maintaining the frontend mostly using Vue.js, Nuxt.js, React.js, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS. I also work on the backend using Node.js, PHP (CakePHP / Laravel), MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

PT. Dutakom Wibawa Putra (D~NET)

Ruby on Rails Developer, Dec 2016 - May 2018

D~NET is a leading Internet Service Provider in Surabaya, Indonesia. I was responsible for developing and maintaining the backend using Ruby on Rails. I also worked on the frontend using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also was responsible as a team leader for the Procurement & Budgeting System project.

CV. Bonanza Raya Indonesia

PHP Developer, Feb 2016 - Nov 2016

Bonanza Raya Indonesia is a company that provides IT solutions for various industries. I was responsible for developing and maintaining the backend using PHP (CodeIgniter / Laravel) and MySQL. I also worked on the frontend using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Web Developer, Aug 2014 - Jan 2016

I started my career as a freelancer. I worked on various projects from building websites to web applications. I was responsible for developing and maintaining the frontend using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also worked on the backend using PHP (CodeIgniter) and MySQL.